

Sachiel [Sachi]

Gender: Male | Age: ??? | Birthday: ???

Occupation: Bounty Hunter | Height: 6'0" (183cm) | Race: "Hellhound"

Sachiel is one of my longest running characters to date, existing since at least 2013. His story has changed a lot over time nothing set in stone until now with Undertow being his home world.

A hunter and dubbed ‘hellhound’. Sachiel lives in the Undertow, looking for a more comfortable life than that of living on streets eating rats. Sachiel has strong opinions on how feels things should be run- without the power to be able to make it happen. He is fuelled by his own ideals, and is very kept to himself about his feelings, thoughts, and reasonings for why he does what he does.
Sachiel insists he does not have friends, but the people he’s surrounded by think otherwise.

He wields a triple barrelled revolver that contains no clear entry point for reloading bullets, as well as a large black metal hunting knife that remains holstered to his hip.

Cy [The Bartender]

Gender: Non-Binary | Age: 35 | Birthday: July 21st (Earth equivalent)

Occupation: Bartender/Bounty Manager | Height: 4'7" (139cm) | Race: Human

Cy is specific to Undertow, made to be Sachi's guide to his new home and boss.

The mysterious bartender that seems to know more than they reasonably should. Their main interest is setting up hunts for Sachiel and muttering with Natascha about plots and other things. Their motives are unknown, what they plan on doing is also unknown- but it is known that do really enjoy Sachiel’s company to the point they offered him room and board if he agreed to a contract to essentially make Sachi as their own personal hunter. They seem to let people in, but don’t let them know much about Cy themself.


Gender: Male | Age: ??? | Birthday: ???

Occupation: Bodyguard | Height: 7'0" (213cm) | Race: "Hellhound"

The more composed of the two brothers, Emerson is a schemeing bastard that wants nothing more than to have the world at his fingertips. His specialty is manipulation, and currently is working on taking over his boss's job through a forceful takeover if need be. He is in good terms with his brother, Jameson, who he does admit sometimes goes a little overboard in his excitement of their plans.


Gender:Male | Age: ??? | Birthday: ???

Occupation: Executioner | Height: 6'2" (188cm) | Race: "Hellhound"

Berwick is a stone cold man... while working. He's generally quite laid back and is a jokester depending on the situation. He's frequently been found to make terrible jokes at inopportune times and is generally quite a nice dude.

His line of work requires him to put on a persona of seriousness with no breaks in expression. He's down to Earth and is generally one to talk and reason with people when things start to get rough or stressing, and has been known to help people stay level headed during times of peak anxiety- unless you're Sachiel.

Berwick harbors a resentment, mixed with fondness for Sachiel after Sachiel attempted to quit his job working with him. Berwick now hunts Sachiel to bring him back and isn't willing to reason with Sachiel for abandoning him.

Viktor Rachman

Gender: Male | Age: 21-42 (Varies between universe) | Birthday: November 11th

Occupation: Bounty Hunter | Height: 5'7" (170cm) | Race: Human

Viktor is another like Sachiel that got thrown into the Undertow with little to no memories. He is only the second that Sachi knows to have survived the drop into the Undertow, as most things that come out are inhuman- and most of them also do not survive a 900 foot drop to the city below. Viktor or V, as he’s more commonly referred to, is Sachiel’s friend and “apprentice”. V is very bad at staying on task, and is easily distracted by food, alcohol or a pretty face.

He arrives at the Undertow at 22, and due to unforeseen circumstances is returned to the Undertow at age 42 later.

Natascha Valentine

Gender: Female | Age: 30+ (Unknown) | Birthday: ???

Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Model | Height: 5'4" (162cm) | Race: Husky

Not much is known about her other than what she wants you to know. Natascha is a good friend of Cy, eventual friend of Sachiel and Viktor and very good at what she does. Natascha is also a bounty hunter, running a few side gigs between. She generally causes problems on purpose and loves to harass her coworkers.

Nat is known to hunt with her own claws from her fingers, otherwise its whatever weapon she can get her hands on. She carries a knife, but rarely uses it as she prefers to take down her prey by hand.


Gender: Male | Age: ??? | Birthday: ???

Occupation: Bodyguard | Height: 7'0" (213cm) | Race: "Hellhound"

The more erratic of the brothers, Jameson is usually the one who volunteers or opt's to take on the more murderous parts of jobs. While also keeping his composure for the most part, he is found often to very easily let slip his persona and give in to his more animalistic nature. He is in good terms with his brother, Emerson, but often finds his brother could due to let loose a bit more often.


Gender: Agender | Age: 300 | Birthday: ???

Occupation: Previously Farmer | Height: 7'0" (213cm) | Race: Kaousian

Belonging to a subterrenean race of mushroom-communicating and farming people called Kaousians, Rochmir left their home to explore the world on the outside more, despite being half blind. They are a good friend of Sachiel and on odd occasion will refer to themself as 'we' due to the mycelia they harbor within pockets of their own flesh.

Rochmir happened to meet both Viktor and Sachiel in prison, being captured and put to labor simply due to a lack of knowledge of their kind. Rochmir speaks an alien language that only Sachiel can understand, but since being stuck in prison has taken to learning the common tongue to make communication with Viktor easier.