the bioluminescent botanist

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Name: Rochmir
Aliases: Rochy
Gender: Agender
Age: 300
Birthday: ???
Weapon: None
Race: Kaiousian
Height: 7'0" (213cm)
Occupation: Researcher (Farmer previously)
Orientation: ???
Home: Kaiousia, Outer Wastes
Affiliations: None
Playlist: None
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"I don't think that is good decision, friend."

- Rochmir, moments before Viktor causes a problem on purpose


Belonging to a subterrenean race of mushroom-communicating and farming people called Kaiousians, Rochmir left their home to explore the world on the outside more, despite being half blind. They are a good friend of Sachiel and on odd occasion will refer to themself as 'we' due to the mycelia they harbor within pockets of their own flesh.

Rochmir happened to meet both Viktor and Sachiel in prison, being captured and put to labor simply due to a lack of knowledge of their kind. Rochmir speaks an alien language that only Sachiel can understand, but since being stuck in prison has taken to learning the common tongue to make communication with Viktor easier.


  • Plants
  • The Dark
  • Their Friends
  • Mycelia


  • Deserts
  • Prison
  • ???
  • ???


  • Botany
  • Field Research
  • Journalling
  • Gardening


Rochmir is a very tall, slender, alien-like dog creature. They have large hind legs, two smaller front arms, and a very long tail reminiscent of an angler fish's antenna. They have to ear-like antenna on their head that are long and tall, several spike-like soft nubs along their back and many freckle-like spots. Their colours are mostly a blackish grey and blue, and their entire underbelly is a strange gooey substance that sometimes drips off. Their eyes are clouded, blue and glowing, and can only half see and make out vague shapes. Their mouth is jagged in shape, but have no actual teeth.


Rochmir is very relaxed, they don't generally seem too animated when it comes to their interests or anything around them. They also don't generally show too much in regards to fear or other concerns. They usually try to take the most logical approach to dealing with things, but this also can sometimes translate to giving up a bit too soon depending on the scenario. They're very kind and smart, they just need to work on their people skills more when it comes to these other creatures that communicate in other languages.


Rochmir comes from a very vast underground city called Kaiousia, located in the Outer Wastes outside of the Undertow. The entrance is located on the side of a mountain and leads to a smooth pathway that descends deep into the planet. Rochmir took many trips to the surface in search of more varieties of plantlife to cultivate, struggling due to the 'Wastes' simply being a desert. Rochmir accidentally was captured and imprisoneded in a labor camp for 'Trespassing', despite the fact legally no one owns any land in the desert itself due to being ungoverned.

Rochmir is jailbroken by Sachiel and Viktor as the two of them also got 'arrested' and decided to wreck shit out of boredom (especially due to Sachiel literally being able to overpower any of them). Rochmir is incredibly thankful and invites them to their home. They all end up returning to the Undertow as an excuse for Rochmir to look more into plants that may thrive in their home and provide benefits to their species.

As of current time, Rochmir resides in the Undertow in their own little apartment within the complex of the Hovel.







[ Friend ]
Rochmir greatly admires Sachiel, a little for saving them and a little for the fact that they can speak their native tongue around him and the fact that he has no issue with understanding what they have to say. Rochmir has no knowledge of Sachiel's kind, and it is a mystery between both of them why their language is the same. The two of them get along well, and Rochmir is happy to assist however they can in figuring out more about Sachiel's kind.




[ Friend ]
Rochmir harbors no ill will towards Natascha but does find them very threatening. Rochmir states many times that the Mycelia don't like her, but they will continue to be friends with her despite as she means no harm to them, and no harm to Sachiel. That's enough for Rochmir.




[ Friend ]
Rochmir adores Viktor, finding him the most interesting little human they've encountered yet, but mostly because Viktor is willing to help and correct them in learning Common. They both get along very well and enjoy one another's company, Viktor tends to confide in Rochmir and vice versa, both being very trusting of one another. They take interest in his hobbies, and is very intrigued by the guitar he plays.










  • Is half blind
  • Can grow mushrooms on their back
  • Eats just about anything
  • If you look in the right lighting, you can see their organs through their 'goop'
  • Can cling to walls