Killer, looks and otherwise.

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Name: Natascha Valentine
Aliases: Nat, Val
Gender: Female
Age: ??? Appears 30+
Birthday: ???
Weapon: Claws/Knife
Race: Appears Husky
Height: 5'4" (162cm)
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Orientation: All
Home: ???
Affiliations: Hovel Bounty Hunter's Association
Playlist: WIP
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"I'd be better off doing this job alone, thanks."

- Nat, when being told she will be accompanied by another.


Not much is known about her other than what she wants you to know. Natascha is a good friend of Cy, eventual friend of Sachiel and Viktor and very good at what she does. Natascha is also a bounty hunter, running a few side gigs between. She generally causes problems on purpose and loves to harass her coworkers.

Nat is known to hunt with her own claws from her fingers, otherwise its whatever weapon she can get her hands on. She carries a knife, but rarely uses it as she prefers to take down her prey by hand.


  • Flirting
  • Blood
  • Terror
  • Fashion


  • 'Pigs'
  • Rude People
  • Killjoys
  • Most Humans


  • Designing her own outfits
  • Hunting
  • Party-Crashing
  • ???


Natascha appears as a humanoid husky, she has a black and cream coloured coat with a patch of fur in the middle of her forehead in a bright pink colour shaped like a heart. Her right eye is always covered by her long flowing white hair and she has razor-sharp teeth that don't belong to any species of dog. She has pinkish-red eyes with no strong pupil, where the pupil should be is a slightly darker reddish pink spot, implying albinism. She has a light pink painted bottom lip, and large gauges in her ears in the same colour of pink as her eyes. She's average height, short compared to most of the people she's around, and wears a mix of blacks, pinks and blues in most of her outfits.


Self-Proclaimed seductress, Natascha is very good with her words and knows exactly how to get people to bend to her will. She's more serious than most of the others, but loves a good game. She is very calculating in her own way, and tends to keep even more secrets than Cy does. She's very cunning, knows when to be deceitful, but is a very good friend despite all of this. She keeps those she likes close and treats them with a lot of care.


Natascha arrived in the Undertow of her own will. She comes from a very different place, she describes it as beyond one's imagination and what one could possibly process with their eyes. She doesn't really talk about herself or her past at all in that kind of sense. Most of what she lets on is that she isn't from around here, and that she loves to play games with the creatures of the city.


Refs and pix


Nat's buds.



[ Roommate/Friend ]
Natascha sees Sachiel mostly as a plaything. His lack of response to most of her advances makes her very interested in him, but also mostly just to torment, more than anything else. She appreciates the fact he's competent at his job, and now that she's had more time to work with him she isn't as hesitant to drag him along on hunts with her. She is not outward about it, but she is actually very wary of him.




[ Friend ]
It's unclear how Nat knows Cy. The two of them get along the best out of anyone in the entire Undertow. They both plan things together, sometimes go out and have a nice night or dinner and are seen often hanging out and chatting now that Nat doesn't have to play bouncer for Cy. The two of them have a lot of secrets kept between one another... unlikely that they will share them with just anyone though.




[ Friend ]
Natascha loves Viktor's vibes, but she knows better than to stick with one person for too long in that kind of way. The two of them did have a few flings for a while but as she put it, she actually 'likes' him- so she knows its better if the two of them don't stick together in that kind of way. The two of them get along great, and both of them love to torment Sachi in their own ways together.










  • Shapeshifter
  • Cannot copy eyes
  • Wears coloured contact lenses
  • Cannibalistic
  • Little to no moral compass