esn't even realize is happening. esn't even realize is happening. SACHIEL



Sachiel's Portrait

Name: Sachiel
Aliases: Sachi/Zaukiel
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Birthday: February 7th
Weapon: Triple Barrelled Revolver, Hunting Knife
Race: "Hellhound" (Novian)
Height: 6'0" (183cm)
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Orientation: Unknown
Home: The Undertow, Novos
Affiliations: Hovel Bounty Hunter's Association
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-Sachiel, most of the time.


A hunter and dubbed ‘hellhound’. Sachiel lives in the Undertow, looking for a more comfortable life than that of living on streets eating rats. Sachi has strong opinions on how feels things should be run- without the power to be able to make it happen. He is fuelled by his own ideals, and is very kept to himself about his feelings, thoughts, and reasonings for why he does what he does.
Sachiel insists he does not have friends, but the people he’s surrounded by think otherwise.


  • Whiskey
  • Calamari
  • Silence
  • Hunting


  • Excessive Noise
  • Doctors
  • Tar Creatures
  • ???


  • Whittling
  • Tinkering
  • Building Weapons
  • Writing


Sachiel has a strong build, not super lean, but not overweight either. Atop his head are two horns similar to that of a Kudu. His fur is predominantly a black colour, sometimes appearing gray in other lighting, along with tan spots scattered about. He has two piercings on his right lower ear, one in his lower left ear, and one right in the middle of his lip. All of his piercings are a gold coloured metal.

He appears to look like a mix between a lion and doberman in terms of his fur lengths and styles, with a pointed skeletal tail that is half flesh, half bone. He doesn't seem to have many visible scars aside from one slashed across the top of his muzzle, but he has implied he does have others. His mouth is a mix of greys on the inside, and his tongue a bright green colour. His blood is red like any other despite this variant in organ colour. His eyes are completely black aside from his bright green iris that glow in the dark.


Sachiel is a bit difficult of a character to describe. He tends to have an almost split in personality at times, most of the time he comes off as cold, mostly uncaring and very serious. However, there's many times where this gets broken even in the middle of his conversation he might be having- where he suddenly seems almost joking and more lighthearted. Due to the fact Sachiel lost almost all of his memories, chances are that this is due to some of his previous mannerisms leaking out in a way he doesn't even realize is happening. Sachiel is a decently smart guy- but even he doesn't know everything, even though he may try and give off the impression that he knows a lot. He tends to state a lot of the things he 'knows' as fact, when in reality he doesn't realize just how different people's experiences are with the same things he's experienced.

Sachi's main defining factor in his personality however his how little he knows his own feelings. He doesn't really know anything about his experiences or how to process things like trauma and other people's feelings. He takes a logical approach but at times it makes him come off as colder than anticipated. He doesn't know what it means to feel a sense of community so any of the feelings he does experience around his friends he shrugs off as just something weird going on with his brain.


Sachiel comes from Novos. A far off planet with little known about it other than the fact that Berwick, Jameson and Emerson also come from there. He was pulled through and into the Undertow in the midst of a heated fight with his ex-best friend and was dropped off into his new home with little to no memories of anything to do with his past. Which doesn't overly bother Sachiel as he doesn't care.

He has lived in the Undertow for about two years as of the start of the story, and mostly just lived in alleys on the streets because the cost of living down there was unattainable for almost anyone, and most buildings get abandoned when the electric bills aren't getting paid by someone... and most of the time this leads to Unwanted Guests crawling into the buildings. It's only as of the start of the story that he has a more comfortable living space that he's trying to make his own... even though he ends up sharing it with a friend later on.


Some images of the lad.


Most in his case, are all people he has been dragged into being friends with.



[ Boss/'Friend' ]
Sachiel isn't certain he can trust Cy. They seem to know what they're doing but know more than they let on, and the secretive part is what Sachiel doesn't like. He gets along with them fine, they have normal conversations and both do seem to want to help one another. Sachiel just wishes he could get clear and solid reads on his 'Boss' and their plans.




[ Coworker/'Friend' ]
Sachiel tries to avoid Nat as much as possible due to the fact she practically bullies him the entire time he's around her. He respects her for being a cold blooded killing machine that's clearly leagues above him in skill, but that doesn't mean he wants to deal with her taking jabs at him all the time. Much to Sachiel's lack of understanding in his own feelings department, he does enjoy her company in a way- but only when she's talking to him normally.




[ Friend/Roommate ]
Sachiel is mostly neutral towards Vik. He finds some of Viktor's antics to be annoying, but otherwise harbors no ill feelings for him. Sachiel is very bad at understanding the fact he does actually enjoy Viktor's company, since he adds a bit more light to the drab place they live in, but due to Sachiel being the stunted man he is; doesn't realize what it means to not hate something for more than 5 minutes.




[ Ex-Friend ]
Sachiel finds Berwick a nuisance. Sachiel has no prior memories of meeting Berwick despite his insistence that Sachiel does in fact know who he is. Honestly he mostly wants him to leave him alone, he doesn't want to get dragged into Berwicks little 'cult' as Sachiel calls it, and tends to shut down his requests very quickly.









  • Immortal
  • Regenerative abilities
  • Electro/Pyrokinesis magic
  • Eyes glow in dark
  • Has an alternate form